Ann Fowler Named Director of Lokey Center

We are very pleased to introduce Ann Fowler, the new Director of the Emmaus House Lokey Center (our drop in help center). Ann has five years of experience working with volunteers and citizens of Peoplestown as the founding Art and After School Program Director at Emmaus House (2001-2005), and as the Co-Chair of the Emmaus House 40th Anniversary Celebration committee. As Art and After School Program Director, she became familiar with not only the children in the neighborhood, but also their families. She visited their homes, and learned their stories. Ann grew close to several of the elders in the seniors program, heard about their struggles and joys, and involved them in the after school and Saturday programs. She attended monthly community meetings and made several presentations to the Annie Casey Atlanta Civic Site for neighborhood grants. Ann have served as the Director of Communications at the Cathedral of St. Philip since 2007.

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