Posts tagged #givingtuesday
Big change is coming to Peoplestown.

With the impending redevelopment of Turner Field to our north and the future development of the Belt Line on our southern border, Peoplestown is evolving quickly. However, what will the future hold for its residents? Will they benefit from all of this development? Or will they be left out again as they were when Turner Field was constructed in the 1990s.

At Emmaus House, we are committed to helping Peoplestown residents to take advantage of opportunities – for employment, for education, for a better, healthier life. Our two-generation model allows us to help families to grow so that they are ready for these changes.

Your support of Emmaus House provides educational options for children and youth as well as opportunities for adults to move beyond poverty. With your help our neighbors will be ready to step forward and embrace the changes that are coming.

On this Giving Tuesday, please give generously so that change can be a benefit rather than a barrier to success here in Peoplestown.


With Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday behind us, we are wrapping up this long weekend of family gatherings, meals and shopping trips with a national day of giving: Today is Giving Tuesday. 

This year marks the fourth annual Giving Tuesday campaign. This year, owing to its previous success, Giving Tuesday incorporates an international component to raise worldwide awareness and share the joy of giving back. This consciousness raising is, perhaps, Giving Tuesday's biggest contribution. 

We are asking all of you – friends, volunteers, supporters and donors – to participate in this worldwide #Unselfie campaign by sharing your own personal examples of giving to Emmaus House.

To do this, write down on a piece of paper how you have given to Emmaus House. 

Are you a Peoplestown Partner? Are you a volunteer? Did you support our Thanksgiving at Home program with a donation? 

Then take a "selfie" holding your sign in front of you. Make sure to these hashtags: #GivingTuesday #Unselfie and (most importantly) #EmmausHouseATL ,then share on all your social networks!

For more on how to post your own #Unselfie, click here. And if you'd like to show your support today with a donation, or to learn more about volunteer opportunities this holiday season, please visit out website.

Giving Tuesday: Giving Back Goes Viral

A new wave of grassroots philanthropy is rising in the hearts of many as more and more people join helping hands to unite for positive change.  As world, national and local economies continue to face extremely serious challenges, people are rising to the occasion by sharing their personal bounty, energy and time in helping others.

GivingTuesday is one such web-based facilitator. It is both an organization and an event.

We've had Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday all followed by Giving Tuesday this December 2nd.  This is the third annual Giving Tuesday campaign. This year, owing to its previous success, Giving Tuesday incorporates an international component to raise worldwide awareness and share the joy of giving back.  This consciousness raising is, perhaps, Giving Tuesday's biggest contribution.  

Through their website the example of giving is being promoted by a savvy campaign titled "The Unselfie".  Here's how their crowd photo sharing campaign works:    Write your contribution of time, energy or cash on a small placard.  Take a 'selfie' holding your sign, tag with #unselfie and any charity close to your heart and post to your social media pages. 

Simple as that!  By sharing your personal example, it will inspire others to be more selfless while promoting specific ways to give back.

Giving Tuesday also provides tools to increase the fundraising effectiveness of organizations.  

In addition to being cheerleader for giving, the web-based organization helps individuals, groups and organizations identify causes and recipients and directly supports a plethora of causes by channeling funds to smaller organizations and persons.  The areas range from helping individuals achieve educational goals, to environmental causes such as saving sea turtles.  To view some of the fantastic work they are helping promote, visit their FaceBook and website news pages.

If you would like to add your voice and heart to a concerted global community of giving, Emmaus House encourages you to join hands with the human community by participating in Giving Tuesday this December 2nd.  If you've already contributed to Emmaus House or wish to do so, please take an 'unselfie' and upload it to the Giving Tuesday site.  This will not only help increase contributions to Emmaus House's efforts but will help inspire others to give of themselves in helping recreate a more bountiful world for all.  

So please spread the word to family and friends!  Encourage them to contribute whatever they can of personal time or resources to Emmaus House or their favorite organization, issue or cause... and don't forget to inspire others by participating in the worldwide unselfie campaign.