The Legacy Continues

In 2018, to commemorate our 50th anniversary, we put together a history walk highlighting milestones from our five decades of service. At the anniversary gala that year, 30 posters lined the reflecting pool at the Carter Center, allowing attendees to revisit significant moments from our history.

Beginning with the Summerhill Riots in 1966 (the year before Emmaus House was founded), the history walk includes the Episcopal Diocese buying the property (1967), the opening of the Poverty Rights office (1970), the launching of the Summers Away Program (1980), as well as many other events that have impacted our work and mission.

The history walk was so popular that, afterward, we decided to create a digital version for our website.

A new chapter

A lot has happened since 2018. We thought that now—5 years later—would be a good opportunity to update the walk to include some of the pivotal events from the past several years.

To take a look at some of those notable moments, click the link below.